A Day in The Life With Sadeeka Porter – April 26th, 2025
Sadeeka Porter, ESQ. will be going over her “Day in The Life” in the Finance Policy & Program Development Industries. Happening April 26th, 2025 at 2 PM Eastern. Don’t Miss it!
Sadeeka Porter, ESQ. will be going over her “Day in The Life” in the Finance Policy & Program Development Industries. Happening April 26th, 2025 at 2 PM Eastern. Don’t Miss it!
Shelly Williams, PT, DPT, CHC. will be going over her “Day in The Life” in the Clinical Healthcare & Innovation industry. Happening February 22nd, 2025 at 11 AM Eastern. Don’t Miss it!
The United States is facing a growing crisis: a severe shortage of workers in STEM, the supply chain and skilled trades. But here’s the good news: We have the talent and resources to start solving this problem today.
December 11, 2024 — Girls Action Network (GAN), a national nonprofit committed to empowering girls and young women to excel in the 3S Workforce™—STEM, Supply Chain, and Skilled Trades— in the AI era and beyond, has joined forces with West Side High School in Newark, NJ. This partnership aims to expand opportunities for students, especially those in underserved communities, to gain the skills and experiences necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic workforce with a special focus on supply chain.
Bowie, MD – Girls Action Network (GAN), a nonprofit dedicated to empowering girls and young women, especially those from underrepresented communities, to thrive in the 3S Workforce™—STEM, Supply Chain, and Skilled Trades in the AI era and beyond—has announced a strategic partnership with Capitol Technology University, a premier institution offering bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in a wide variety of STEM fields including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, aviation and aeronautical sciences, and engineering.
This week I want to share some important insights on how The GAN GT3S Workforce Platform Points work.
A millennial with a Ph.D. and over $250k in student-loan debt says she’s been looking for a job for 4 years. She wishes she prioritized work experience over education.
A millennial with a Ph.D. and over $250k in student-loan debt says she’s been looking for a job for 4 years. She wishes she prioritized work experience over education.
Welcome to the first week of our exciting October series on GAN’s Gateway to 3S (GT3S) Program and Platform! Let’s
Welcome to the final week of our awesome August series on the 3S Workforce™! This week, we’re diving into the
First text the word JOIN to the following 2 numbers: 562-662-5714 and 701-773-4765. Second, under “My Account”, Edit Your GAN Profile and put a check in the “SMS Opt-In” box.
There are 2 ways. First way: Simple go to “My Account”, Edit Your GAN Profile and remove the check in the “SMS Opt-In” or the “Email-Opt-In” box. Second way: You reply STOP to any SMS (Text) message and for Email, click the “Unsubscribe” link found at the bottom of any of our emails.
You can reset your password two ways.
If you are unable to reset your password, please contact techsupport@dev.girlsactionnetwork.org
Some images may be too large or sized inappropriately. Try resizing your Avatar picture to 500 x 500 pixels. If you don’t have a tool to resize your picture, try the free Adobe resizer tool Here.
Group Enrollment allows members to enroll in specific course groups such as STEM – Cybersecurity as well as various Skilled Trades and Supply Chain groups. When these course groups become available, they will appear on the Group Enrollment page and you can enroll yourself into these groups and take the various courses. You will also receive a text message and/or email when these groups become available.
The Tracker reflects the annual points accrued (based on your Quarter) for all four focus areas, as well as the aggregate total. It is an easy way to see where you are excelling and where you might need more work. Points reset at the beginning of each new GAN Quarter.
Your GAN Quarter is the Quarter of the year in which you joined, expressed as QTR1, QTR2, QTR3, and QTR4. For example, if you joined GAN in January through March, your GAN Quarter would be QTR1. If you joined GAN in April through June, your quarter would be QTR2, and so on. Your GAN Quarter also controls your annual points accrual period. For example, if you’re a QTR2 member, you accrue annual points from April of the current year to April of the next year. This allows all GAN members accrue points on an annual basis in a fair manner.
You can see your designated GAN Quarter under “Edit GAN Profile” in the “My Account” section of the website.
Go to your Learning Dashboard either from “My Account” or the “GAN Girl Hub”, then click on “Show More” under left-hand pane, then click on “External Activities”. There you can add many different types of activities that all have point values.
The Team Message Board is for those members who are part of an organizational team such as a School or Business. Regular GAN Members will not see messages there. Regular members receive SMS and Email notifications of events, courses, and other news.