For Immediate Release
Prince Georges County, MD – Girls Action Network, Inc. is pleased to announce and salute its 2024 GAN Scholars, Nicole Ban (Silver Spring, MD) and Chloë Maiden (Washington, D.C.), as its newest inductees into the GAN Summer STEM Enrichment Program (SSEP).
The 2024 GAN Scholars were selected to attend the two week-long Smith College Summer Science & Engineering Program (SSEP) in Northampton, MA where they received the unique opportunity to participate in innovative curricula in astronomy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, engineering, and physics. The Smith program also promotes global cultural learning and appreciation due to the number of student participants who come from all over the world. The scholarship funding for the 2024 GAN Scholars was made possible by Girls Action Network, Inc. and Smith College.
When asked why they desired to attend the 2024 GAN-Smith SSEP, GAN Scholar Chloë Maiden commented that, “I want to figure out more about this world and that’s what interests me… I believe that starting at the Smith College summer program for science and engineering can guide me on this path.”
GAN Scholar Nicole Ban drew upon her experience and inspiration received by having a female 9th grade biology teacher that played a role in her 2024 SSEP application. “It was during the lab sessions that I got a real spark to think of how I can consider maybe doing biotechnology. I know that [my teacher] changed my life forever. Without her pushing me to do better, I wouldn’t [have applied] for this program. Having a female teacher also made a big difference because I could see myself in her.”
Girls Action Network is an organization that stands at the forefront of empowering girls to reach their full potential in the 3S Workforce™ – STEM, Supply Chain, and the Skilled Trades, and igniting inspiration for girls and women leading in the AI era. “GAN works to create innovative programs and experiences, many in collaboration with other organizations, designed to show girls their expansive career and educational choices in the 3S Workforce™,” said Elisa Basnight, GAN Founder. The GAN Summer STEM Enrichment Program is led by the dedicated efforts of Tangiah Wright, Esq., Vice President, Summer STEM Enrichment Program and former GAN Girl (c/o 2006 and c/o 2007).
For more information, please visit www.girlsactionnetwork.org.